I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.. Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business Please come visit my site Quebec City when you got time.
This is just another reason why I like your website. I like your style of writing you tell your stories without out sending us to 5 other sites to complete the story. Please come visit my site Nova Scotia facts when you got time.
I am not really sure if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your great job is clearly identifed. I was wondering if you offer any subscription to your RSS feeds as I would be very interested and can't find any link to subscribe here Please come visit my site New Brunswick Canada when you got time. Thanks.
Un gusto haberlo conocido personalmente en el II salon internacional de Humor Gráfico Sr. carlin, pude comprobar que es Ud. todo una caballero y maestro en su oficio.
Como le comente seria excelente si cuelga en su blog un videotutorial de la tecnica de su caricatura digital.
Carlos Tovar (Carlín) es arquitecto, diseñador, caricaturista y escritor. Ha obtenido premios como diseñador gráfico. Ha publicado en “Monos y Monadas”, “El Idiota” y “Tango”. Es caricaturista de La República, autor de varios libros de caricaturas y de los ensayos: “Habla el viejo”, “Manifiesto del siglo XXI” y “El socialismo en cuatro horas”. Recibió el premio de Periodismo y Derechos Humanos (2009); el premio Huamán Poma, del Salón Internacional del Humor Gráfico (2012); la Medalla al mérito del Colegio de periodistas de Lima (2015). ------------------
Carlos Tovar (Carlin) is an architect, designer, cartoonist and writer. He has obtained prizes as a graphic designer. He published in “Monos y Monadas”, “El Idiota” and “Tango”. He is a cartoonist in La Republica, author of several cartoon books and the essays: “Habla el Viejo”, “Manifiesto del Siglo XXI” and ”El socialismo en cuatro horas”. He received the Prize of Journalism and Human Rights (2009), the Huamán Poma Prize from the International Hall of Graphic Humour (Perou, 2012 ), the Merit Medal from de Journalists Board of Lima (2015).
5 comentarios:
se k no tiene k ver pero...
Los Zurdos tenemos el poder!!
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I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.. Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business Please come visit my site Quebec City when you got time.
This is just another reason why I like your website. I like your style of writing you tell your stories without out sending us to 5 other sites to complete the story. Please come visit my site Nova Scotia facts when you got time.
I am not really sure if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your great job is clearly identifed. I was wondering if you offer any subscription to your RSS feeds as I would be very interested and can't find any link to subscribe here Please come visit my site New Brunswick Canada when you got time. Thanks.
Un gusto haberlo conocido personalmente en el II salon internacional de Humor Gráfico
Sr. carlin, pude comprobar que es Ud. todo una caballero y maestro en su oficio.
Como le comente seria excelente si cuelga en su blog un videotutorial de la tecnica de su caricatura digital.
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