La gran fisura mundial y cómo revertirla, es el título de la charla que daré mañana jueves 6 de agosto, a las 7 pm, en el Centro Cultural Garcilaso (Ucayali 391, Lima). El ingreso es libre. La presentación es en Power Point.
Hola carlin me hubiera gustado asistir por trabajo no pude y encima recien veo la publicación me gustaria saber si habra alguna otra conferencia tuya o presentación muchas gracias.
You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through. Please come visit my site Idaho when you got time.
El guardián: No puedo colgar el power point porque casi todas son imagenes que yo complemento, en vivo, con lo que digo. Tengo ointerés en volcar ese power point a un video, para colgarlo en you tube. necesito un videasta que se anime a hacerlo, casi por amor al arte, porque no creo poder financiarlo.
Oh Pat, you’ve got friends! Don’t give me that. Your blog looks great and has good info. You can be friends with me. Please come visit my site New Hampshire when you got time. Thanks.
Me and my friend were arguing about an issue similar to this! Now I know that I was right. lol! Thanks for the information you post. Please come visit my site New York, when you got time.
Since I’m new to blogging, these articles are greatly appreciated; very useful and informative blog and every body must visit this blog. Please come visit my site Reality when you got time.
Carlos Tovar (Carlín) es arquitecto, diseñador, caricaturista y escritor. Ha obtenido premios como diseñador gráfico. Ha publicado en “Monos y Monadas”, “El Idiota” y “Tango”. Es caricaturista de La República, autor de varios libros de caricaturas y de los ensayos: “Habla el viejo”, “Manifiesto del siglo XXI” y “El socialismo en cuatro horas”. Recibió el premio de Periodismo y Derechos Humanos (2009); el premio Huamán Poma, del Salón Internacional del Humor Gráfico (2012); la Medalla al mérito del Colegio de periodistas de Lima (2015). ------------------
Carlos Tovar (Carlin) is an architect, designer, cartoonist and writer. He has obtained prizes as a graphic designer. He published in “Monos y Monadas”, “El Idiota” and “Tango”. He is a cartoonist in La Republica, author of several cartoon books and the essays: “Habla el Viejo”, “Manifiesto del Siglo XXI” and ”El socialismo en cuatro horas”. He received the Prize of Journalism and Human Rights (2009), the Huamán Poma Prize from the International Hall of Graphic Humour (Perou, 2012 ), the Merit Medal from de Journalists Board of Lima (2015).
8 comentarios:
Hola carlin me hubiera gustado asistir por trabajo no pude y encima recien veo la publicación me gustaria saber si habra alguna otra conferencia tuya o presentación muchas gracias.
Cuando haya otra conferencia avisaré.
You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through. Please come visit my site Idaho when you got time.
Carlin, podrias colgar en tu blogger tu presentacion en power point? sirve como herramienta.
El guardián:
No puedo colgar el power point porque casi todas son imagenes que yo complemento, en vivo, con lo que digo.
Tengo ointerés en volcar ese power point a un video, para colgarlo en you tube. necesito un videasta que se anime a hacerlo, casi por amor al arte, porque no creo poder financiarlo.
Oh Pat, you’ve got friends! Don’t give me that. Your blog looks great and has good info. You can be friends with me. Please come visit my site New Hampshire when you got time. Thanks.
Me and my friend were arguing about an issue similar to this! Now I know that I was right. lol! Thanks for the information you post. Please come visit my site New York, when you got time.
Since I’m new to blogging, these articles are greatly appreciated; very useful and informative blog and every body must visit this blog. Please come visit my site Reality when you got time.
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